-- 1.17 Consequence Management Exercises / Lessons Learned process Development of Resource Library / participation

-- 1.17 Consequence Management Exercises / Lessons Learned process Development of Resource Library / participation

Desсription: CMDR COE plays a role of an effects multiplier in EADRCC organized events providing experts to act as SMEs in Lessons Learned, Civil-Military Cooperation and Capacity Building, Education & Training and Interoperability.

The overall aim is to conduct and developed common events as well projects and involvement of SMEs from CMDR and EADRCC.

Participation of CMDR COE SMEs in the exercises organized by EADRCC. Participation in other exercises and common events.


Dates: Mar - Nov 






POCs: COL Plamen Milanov plamen.milanov@cmdrcoe.org +359 2 92 24705


COL (OF-5) Dimitar Dimitrov dimitar.dimitrov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24738


COL (OF-5) Alexandar Georgiev alexandar.georgiev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24731


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