POW 2023

POW 2023

--1.1 NATO Lessons Learned from the situation in and around Ukraine

Desсription:Support ACT efforts in compiling/disseminating LL from situattion in and around Ukraine.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
COL (OF-5) Rumen Manchev rumen.manchev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24747  

--1.2 ACT Lessons Learned Spring Event 2023 (NATO Lessons Learned Conference + COE LL meeting/WS)

Desсription: COE LL POC Support to NLLC 2023 (Placeholder).


Dates: 28 MAR - 30 MAR



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
COL (OF-5) Rumen Manchev rumen.manchev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24747  

--1.3 Hosting of ACT Lessons Learned SPRING week 2023

Desсription: CMDR COE will host  ACT LL SPRING week 2023 (Placeholder). If there is not NATO LL Conference during 2023, HQ SACT requests CMDR COEto host, support and participate to the ACT LL SPRING WEEK in 2023. This event includes two/three-day COE LL meeting/WS. This is a Placeholder; further information (date/ participants) will be updated when available.​


Dates: APR - MAY



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
COL (OF-5) Rumen Manchev rumen.manchev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24747  

--1.4 CMDR COE Support to NATO Lessons Learned Process (2023 Placeholder)

Desсription: COE LL POC is requested to analyse an issue within the realm of the COEs specific area of expertise in order to develop an Analysis Report either in support of HQ SACT and JALLC or leading the study.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
COL (OF-5) Rumen Manchev rumen.manchev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24747  

--1.5 CMDR COE SME support for Joint Analysis Projects

Desсription: SME support for Joint Analysis Projects


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
COL (OF-5) Rumen Manchev rumen.manchev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24747  

--1.6 Support for the integration of gender perspectives and the Gender in Military Operations Discipline (NATO).

Desсription: Events related to the CMDR COE GFP course and other events of partner institutions, particulalrly the NCGM. To account for potentially participating in METTs. 


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704

CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24741

--1.7 CMDR COE support to Concept Development & Experimentation Campaign

Desсription: Support the concept development activities (workshops), including content proposals. 


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24741   

--1.8 Resilience through CP (exchange of SMEs)

Desсription: The CMDR COE supporting NATO’s efforts at conceptualising and operationalising resilience. The CCOE (DH CIMICO) and the CMDR COE jointly developed and successfully piloted in DEC 2019 a tailored training and education solution - the Resilience through Civil Prepredness course. The course is delivered twice per year - first half (MAR) - by the CCOE, the CMDR COE supporting, and second half (OCT or NOV) - by the CMDR COE, the CCOE supporting. 


Dates: МAR- MAY


Location: The Hague, NDL



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24740

--1.9 Climate Change and Security

Desсription: R&A on CC, human security, disaster relief, particulalry humanitrian assistance, gender perspectives, resilience. 


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704

--1.10 Partnership Outreach METTs

Desсription: Providing training support to partner countries if requires.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703

--1.11 CIMIC/CMI Steering Committee

Desсription: To coordinate all CMI and CIMIC related activities.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700

--1.12 CIMIC/CMI WG / CIMIC/CMI COI (Synergy)

Desсription: To coordinate all CMI and CIMIC related activities, including the harmonisation of CMI and CIMIC conducted in and by the different operational level HQs and to incorporate the lessons learned from ongoing operations into the doctrine revision process. As well as, Exchanging expertise for the development of a joint modeling and simulation modular design. It tends to enhance Experimentation, Education, Training and Exercises (EETE) with understanding of civil environment and response mechanisms from the operational perspective.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703
COL (OF-5) Kostadin Lazarov kostadin.lazarov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24757

--1.13 SME Support to NCS/NFS HQs for Trainings and Exercises (Place holder)

Desсription: CMDR COE to provide SME support to NCS/NFS HQ for training (i.e. NMI-TE) and exercises (Incident Development and Scripting Workshops in the domain of CMDR) activities in the CMDR domain, if requested. 


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703

--1.14 Integration of gender perspective into the existing curriculas where and when appropriate Community of Interest on Gender, incuding a METT event

Desсription: Events related to the CMDR COE GFP course and other events of partner institutions, particulalrly the NCGM. To account for potentially participating in METTs.


Dates: Jan - Dec



CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24741

--1.15 NMSG -191 and business meetings of NMSG board MSG-187 RTG “Space Weather Environmental Modelling (SWEM)”

Desсription: Participate and support NMSG- 191 related to  CMDR COE operational requirements.The CMDR COE is going to  chair the MSG-187, and provide M&S support to Space Weather Environmental Modelling process.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700
COL (OF-5) Kostadin Lazarov kostadin.lazarov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 757
LTC (OF-4) Genadi Kolev genadi.kolev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 758

--1.15.1 NMSG -191 and business meetings of NMSG board MSG-187 RTG “Space Weather Environmental Modelling (SWEM)”

Desсription: Participate and support NMSG- 191 related to  CMDR COE operational requirements.The CMDR COE is going to  chair the MSG-187, and provide M&S support to Space Weather Environmental Modelling process.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700
COL (OF-5) Kostadin Lazarov kostadin.lazarov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 757
LTC (OF-4) Genadi Kolev genadi.kolev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 758

--1.15.2 MSG-187 RTG “Space Weather Environmental Modelling (SWEM)”

Desсription: The CMDR COE is going to  chair the MSG-187, and provide M&S support to Space Weather Environmental Modelling process.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24700
COL (OF-5) Kostadin Lazarov kostadin.lazarov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24757
LTC (OF-4) Genadi Kolev genadi.kolev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24758

--1.15.3 NMSG 52 Bussiness Meeting

Desсription: Attendance to the NMSG BM as Associate Member. The CoEs actively participates in level 3 activities at the Science and Technology Organization


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700

--1.15.4 NMSG 51 Bussiness Meeting

Desсription: Attendance to the NMSG BM as Associate Member. The CoEs actively participates in level 3 activities at the Science and Technology Organization.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700

--1.16 Layered Resilience Concept (NWCC deliverable)

Desсription: Layered Resilience Concept (LRC) deliverable under the NWCC′s Warfare Development Imperative for Layered Resilience.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
LTC (OF-4)  Sasho Aleksandrov sasho.aleksandrov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24742 

--1.17 CMDR COE Support for STJU23 Incident Development WS

Desсription: STEADFAST JUPITER 2023 (STJU23) is a SHAPE sponsored strategic, operational, and tactical-level Major Command Post and Computer Assisted Exercise (CPX/CAX) that will train SHAPE, NRF24 package, JFCBS, NCS JFAC, JSEC, Multi-corps (MC) LCC and Theatre Component Commands, in planning for and conducting an Article 5 multi-JOA operation. The scope will range from SJO to MJO+ in different JOAs with a continued focus on Modern C2, Joint Fires and Enablement, for high intensity warfighting against a peer/near-peer adversary.


Dates: 5 Jun - 9 Jun 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703
LTC (OF-4) Genadi Kolev genadi.kolev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 758


Desсription: STEADFAST JUPITER 2023 (STJU23) is a SHAPE sponsored strategic, operational, and tactical-level Major Command Post and Computer Assisted Exercise (CPX/CAX) that will train SHAPE, NRF24 package, JFCBS, NCS JFAC, JSEC, Multi-corps (MC) LCC and Theatre Component Commands, in planning for and conducting an Article 5 multi-JOA operation. The scope will range from SJO to MJO+ in different JOAs with a continued focus on Modern C2, Joint Fires and Enablement, for high intensity warfighting against a peer/near-peer adversary.


Dates: 26 Jun - 7 Jul



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703
LTC (OF-4) Genadi Kolev genadi.kolev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 758

--1.19 CMDR COE Support for STJU23 EXECUTION Sub-Phase (Phase IIIB) - EXCON

Desсription: STEADFAST JUPITER 2023 (STJU23) is a SHAPE sponsored strategic, operational, and tactical-level Major Command Post and Computer Assisted Exercise (CPX/CAX) that will train SHAPE, NRF24 package, JFCBS, NCS JFAC, JSEC, Multi-corps (MC) LCC and Theatre Component Commands, in planning for and conducting an Article 5 multi-JOA operation. The scope will range from SJO to MJO+ in different JOAs with a continued focus on Modern C2, Joint Fires and Enablement, for high intensity warfighting against a peer/near-peer adversary.


Dates: 5 Oct - 19 Oct



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703
LTC (OF-4) Genadi Kolev genadi.kolev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 758


Desсription: STJA23 Incident Development Workshop


Dates: 12 Jun - 16 Jun



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703

--1.21 STJA23 MEL/MIL Scripting Workshop

Desсription: STJA23 MEL/MIL Scripting Workshop COE support.


Dates: 11 Sep - 22 Sep



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703

--1.22 STJA23 PhIIIB

Desсription: Execution Phase of STJA23. COE support is requested for the subject matter expertise provided for the execution of the exercise.


Dates: 23 Nov - 7 Dec



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--1.23 Cultural Property Protection (CPP) Training Initiative

Desсription: Provide train of trainers activities with regard to Cultural property protection course.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703

--1.24 Support to NATO COEs effort network

Desсription: CMDR COE cooperates with other COEs  in doctrine development, identify lessons learned, improvement of interoperability and capabilities, and test and validate concepts through experimentation.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700

--1.25 Enhancing PfP MoI′s Capacity for Crisis Management

Desсription: This project aims to contribute towards the Jordan′s MoI reaching a full operational capability by providing support in two of the priorities identified by the NATO Advisory Support Team.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org +359 2 92 24 705

--1.25.1 Crisis Managment & Disaster Response Cse (MTT)

Desсription: This project aims to contribute towards the Jordan′s MoI reaching a full operational capability by providing support in two of the priorities identified by the NATO Advisory Support Team. 


Dates: 19 Feb - 23 Feb



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

--1.25.2 Disaster Risk management Course (MTT)

Desсription: This project aims to contribute towards the Jordan′s MoI reaching a full operational capability by providing support in two of the priorities identified by the NATO Advisory Support Team.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

--1.25.3 Multi- National Crisis Management Course (MTT)

Desсription: This project aims to contribute towards the Jordan′s MoI reaching a full operational capability by providing support in two of the priorities identified by the NATO Advisory Support Team.


Dates: 11 Jun - 15 Jun


Location: JOR 



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

--1.26 COE Marketplace

Desсription: The aim of this event, with the full support of the IS/IMS senior leadership, is to provide an occasion for all national delegates and NATO HQ staff to recognize, understand and embrace the value of the expertise, support and advice, provided by CMDR COE to the Alliance.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700

--1.27 Support to NATO Defence Planning Process

Desсription: All COEs are requested to support ACT efforts in the Bi-SC contribution to NATO Defence Planning Process (NDPP).


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

--1.28 Training and Education Support for Jordanian Civil Defence Directorate

Desсription: This project aims to contribute towards the Jordanian Civil Defence Directorate  in  the priorities identified by the NATO Advisory Support Team. 


Dates: Feb - Sep



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705


--2.1 Participation in exercises of the Bulgarian Red Cross with observers and analysts

Desсription: In the past few years, cooperation between the Bulgarian Red Cross and CMDR COE has intensified. Experts from both organisations work actively and willingly in the implementation of various common events. Collaborative efforts contribute and will contribute to increasing the readiness of responding adequately to crisis situations and disaster mitigation.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703

COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

--2.2 Training on the NCRS/CRMs for BGR experts from different ministries and agencies.

Desсription: NCRS is designed to be a fully integrated crisis management system, supporting the Alliance in responding to the full range of crises that might be encountered and ensures appropriate political control by the NAC over Crisis Response Measures (CRMs), while delegating the authority to take appropriate Measures to enhance flexibility and speed of response. 


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--2.3 MDR COE participation in National Crisis Management Exercises in 2023

Desсription: CMDR COEexperts to take part as an observersin in the execution phase of the different .National Crisis Management Exercises around the globe.

Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705


COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--2.4 Support to BGR Munucipal Level CMX - Krasno Selo District, Sofia Municipality

Desсription: CMDR is to contribute and support to the development and the execution of a National (municipality level) mid-scale CMX, which is to test the coordination between local and governmental institutions involved in the Disaster Managenent and the involved Decision Making process. CMDR COE to direct the exercise planning process IAW NATO Bi-SC Directive 75-03.


Dates: 7 Jun - 8 Jun



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705


COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 247 03

--2.5 Visits by the delegations from NATO, NON-NATO, Partner Nations Ministry of Defense or other COEs.

Desсription: A Delegations from the MoD of NATO, NON-NATO, Partner Nationa Ministry of Defense or other COEs will pay a visits to CMDR COE.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700

--2.6 Military Cooperation between the CMDR COE and the SNs MODs in CM & DR domain.

Desсription: Training, Co-training and information exchange in the field of crisis prevention and managemnet domain.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

--3.1.1 Gender Focal Point Course - In person (CMDR COE premises)

Desсription: This course will educate and train personnel to perform successfully as Gender Focal Points in their functional area. A focus is placed on the strategic / operational levels. 


Dates: 15 May- 18 May


Location:  In person (CMDR COE premises) 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703

CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24740

--3.1.2 Gender Focal Point Course - (online)

Desсription: This course will educate and train personnel to perform successfully as Gender Focal Points in their functional area. A focus is placed on the strategic / operational levels. 


Dates: 2 OCT - 5 OCT 


Location:  (online)  



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 740

--3.2 Crisis Management and Disaster Response Course NATO APPROVED; NATO ETOC Code: ETE-CM-21784

Desсription: The aim of the course  is to introduce  extensive overview of NATO structures and guiding principles and will arm the participants with appreciation of the Alliance Crisis Management approach. Acquisition of basic knowledge to NATO Crisis Management fundamentals, NATO Crisis Response System, and its complementary elements - NATO Crisis Management Process, Civil Emergency Planning, and Operations Planning.


Dates: 13 MAR - 17 MAR


Location:  CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.3 Climate Change & Security Course

Desсription: Climate Change and Security course under auspices of ESDC, supported by Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute and Rakovski National Defence College. The aim of the course is to enhance awareness of climate change security implications through acquisition of basic knowledge related to global warming as a phenomenon and a security threat multiplier, the main factors which affect the environment, and the impact of climate change on international peace and security in short, mid and long term period.


Dates: 28 MAR - 31 MAR


Location:  CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.4 International Concequence Management (I-CM) Course

Desсription: The aim of the International consequence management (CM) course is to provide operational expertise following a radiological incident in order to mitigate the consequences to the population, public health, safety, and the environment thus increasing societal resilience.


Dates: 24 APR - 28 APR


Location: CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703

--3.5 Crisis Response Operations Planners Professional Development Course NATO APPROVED; NATO ETOC Code: JPL-OP-31878

Desсription: Conducting of Crisis Response Operations Planners Course provides knowledge on NATO Crisis Management Process (NCMP), as well as theoretical and practical cognition in functioning of NATO Crisis Response System (NCRS). Aim: Acquisition of comprehensive knowledge related to CM in NATO, functioning of NCRS with emphasis on NCR Planning at operational level.


Dates: 16 OCT  - 20 OCT


Location: CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.6 Crisis Management and Disaster Response Exercise Planners Training Course NATO APPROVED; NATO ETOC Code: ETE-CM-21785

Desсription: The aim of this course is acquisition of knowledge that will help upgrading needed skills of exercise planners to incorporate CMDR in exercise planning.


Dates: 26 JUN - 30 JUN


Location:  CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.7 Strategic Decision Making for Crisis Response Operations Course NATO APPROVED; NATO ETOC Code: ETE-CM-41879

Desсription: To provide participants with extensive knowledge on NATO Crisis Response on the politico-strategic level within a framework of a Comprehensive Approach to security.


Dates: 20 NOV - 24 NOV


Location:  CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.8 RtCP - Resilience through Civil Preparedness Course

Desсription: This project aims to contribute towards the Jordan′s MoI reaching a full operational capability by providing support in two of the priorities identified by the NATO Advisory Support Team.


Dates: NOV - NOV


Location:  CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.9 Disaster Relief in CSDP Context Course

Desсription: The course aims to harness shared perspectives and vision in disaster relief as part of the whole chain of the disaster management, including the development of critical capabilities and situational awareness in relation to tackling emergency situations.


Dates: 17 JUL - 21 JUL


Location:  Romania



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.10.1 Building Integrity for Senior Leaders (BISL) Course (1,2)

Desсription: This project aims to contribute towards the Jordan′s MoI reaching a full operational capability by providing support in two of the priorities identified by the NATO Advisory Support Team.


Dates:  17 Jan - 20 Jan

            23 Jan - 26 Jan


Location:  CMDR COE/Online



COL (OF-5) Svilen Hristov svilen.hristov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24706

--3.10.2 Building Integrity for Senior Leaders (BISL) Course (3)

Desсription: The course is designed to enhance the understanding of the role of senior leaders in identifying corruption risk within the defence and security sector and measures that can be used to reduce those risks.


Dates: 26 JUN - 29 JUN


Location:  CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Svilen Hristov svilen.hristov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24706

--3.11 Crisis Management in Multilateral Framework (IGOs: The role of Political/Civilian and Military Crisis Diplomacy

Desсription: Acquisition of basic knowledge on Crisis Management fundamentals with a focus on Political/Civilian and Military Diplomacy, including deployed policies, processes, tools and stakeholders.


Dates: 15 MAY - 18 MAY


Location:  CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.12 Cultural Property Protection (CPP) Course

Desсription: The course aims to explore the key concepts related to the cultural, historical, and religious factors that have shaped various approaches to CPP.


Dates: 26 SEP - 28 SEP


Location:  CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.13 Disaster Management Course

Desсription: The course is focused on acquisition of basic knowledge related to the disaster as phenomenon, the disaster management process and its close relation to the risk management process, as well as the main players and mechanisms in disaster response.


Dates: Jan - Dec


Location:  Online using JADL Platform 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.14 S7-135 NATO Global Programming Analysis Course

Desсription: NSO Obemmergau courseThe aim of the course is to  provide foundational knowledge and skills on Global Programming Analysis in order to manage NATO Education and Training (E&T).


Dates: 9 Jan - 13 Jan


Location:  NSO Obemmergau, Germany 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.15 S7-136 NATO Systems Approach to Training

Desсription: The aim of the course is to prepare NATO and partner officers to serve within a strategic level headquarters as operations planners, applying the Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD) within the framework of a Comprehensive Approach.


Dates: 16 Jan - 20 Jan


 Location:  NSO Obemmergau, Germany 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.16 S7-137 NATO Quality Assurance Course

Desсription: NSO Obemmergau courseThe aim of the course is to support the alignment of performance requirements in order to meet the NATO Quality Standards for ETFs’ institutional accreditation.


Dates:  23 Jan - 27 Jan

            26 Jun - 6 Jul

            13 Nov - 17 Nov


Location:  NSO Obemmergau, Germany 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.17 N7-163 NATO Lessons Learned Management Course

Desсription: NSO Obemmergau courseThe aim of the course is to develop a LL Management Capability within the NATO Alliance which allows LL professionals to execute and manage their organizational roles and responsibilities as LL Staff Officers in accordance with the structure, process, tools, and trainingdefined in the Bi-SC Directive 080-006 for LL.


Dates: 16 OCT - 20 OCT


Location:  NSO Obemmergau, Germany



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.18 M5-41 NATO European Security Cooperation Course

Desсription: NSO Obemmergau courseThe aim of the course is to increase interoperability and collaboration between NATO and European security agencies, OSCE nations and NATO Partner countries.


Dates: Jan - Dec


Location:  NSO Obemmergau, Germany 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.19 M7-51 Concept&Experimentation Course

Desсription: NSO Obemmergau courseThe aim of the course is to provide Concept Development and Experimentation (CD&E) practitioners with the NATO programmatic approach to NATO CD&E.


Dates: 9 OCT - 13 OCT


Location:  NSO Obemmergau, Germany 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.20 M7-126 NATO eLearning Instructional Design Course

Desсription: NSO Obemmergau courseThe aim of the course is to enable NATO members to design, deliver, implement and evaluate e-learning solutions in support of NATO E & IT requirements.


Dates: 6 FEB - 24 FEB 


Location:  CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.21 M8-30 Resource Management Education Programme (RMEP) Course

Desсription: NSO Obemmergau courseThe purpose of this course is to provide NATO and National personnel with education and individual training on resource management processes, including the Common Funded Capability Delivery Governance Model (CFCDGM), through the concept of the three resource pillars: Military Budget (MB), NATO Security Investment Program (NSIP), and Workforce.


Dates: 27 MAR - 31 MAR


Location:  NSO Obemmergau, Germany



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.22 S5-45 Strategic Operations Planning Course (SOPC)

Desсription: The aim of the course is to prepare NATO and partner officers to serve within a strategic level headquarters as operations planners, applying the Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive (COPD) within the framework of a Comprehensive Approach.


Dates: 13 NOV - 17 NOV


Location:  NSO Obemmergau, Germany 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.23 XX-161 Big Data Analytics Course

Desсription: NSO Obemmergau course


Dates: 27 MAY - 2 JUN


Location:  NSO Obemmergau course 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.24 P5-07 NATO Information Knowledge Management (IKM) Course

Desсription: NSO Obemmergau courseThe aim of the course is to enable IKM personnel of the NATO Enterprise, and of Non-NATO entities participating in NATO coalitions or when handling NATO information, to perform their duties in the roles and responsibilities that are required to ensure the effective and efficient use of information resources, managing all aspects of information throughout its life-cycle, and to ensure the identification and preservation of information of permanent value, as set out in the Primary Directive on Information Management (PDIM), and to enable them to facilitate the building of knowledge-centric organisations.


Dates: 16 OCT - 20 OCT


Location:  NSO Obemmergau, Germany 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.25 Support for BALTDEFCOL JCGSC Module on Crisis Management

Desсription: The Baltic Defence College and Module Coordinator AMB Shota Gvineria kindly request for support for Joint Command General Staff Course Module on Crisis Management.


Dates: 7 MAR -  11 MAR


Location:  Tartu, Estonia  



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.26 M7-51-A NATO Concept Develoment and Experimentation Course

Desсription: The aim of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and develop the skills required for a coordinated contracting approach throughout NATO to ensure sufficiently trained and qualified contracting forces for current and future operations.


Dates: 09 OCT - 13 OCT


Location: Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.27 P5-129 ACT.532 NATO Alternative Analysis Course

Desсription: The aim of this course is to Introduce students to the principles of NATO Alternative Analysis, the application of Alternative Analysis tools and techniques in support of decision-making and problem solving. This course will also prepare the student for the role of Alternative Analysis Facilitator.


Dates: 17 APR - 21 APR


Location:  NSO, Oberammergau 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.28 NCGM Gender Training of trainers course

Desсription: The course enables trainers to successfully plan and conduct education, training and exercises with an integrated gender perspective within own functional area of expertise. The course provides the students with a background of frameworks and guidelines regulating gender in military operations and provides participants with practical examples and best practices of how to teach on gender in the military. 


Dates: SEP-SEP


Location:  CMDR COE/Online 



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

---3.29 NATO Standardization Orientation Course

Desсription: The training course is organized twice a year in order to support the primary mission of the NSO, with the scope to sustain and enhance the ability of NATO and national personnel to perform the important work accomplished in NATO standardization, especially for the newcomers in the standardization community.


Dates: Jan - Dec



Location:  NATO HQ, Brussels, Belgium or Hybrid mode, TBD



 COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.30 Drafting, Production and Maintenance of NATO Standards Course

Desсription: The aim of the course is to provide comprehensive knowledge to facilitate understanding of the procedures for development, production and maintenance of NATO standardization documents, including doctrines. It specifically focuses on the basic principles for drafting operational and materiel standards and covers multiple practical examples with thorough contextual explanation.


Dates: 2 OCT - 6 OCT


Location:  NMIOTC Crete, Greece



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703
COL (OF-5) Efthymios Greventopoulos efthymios.greventopoulos@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 744

--3.31 NATO LL Staff Officers Course ETOC ETE-EV-3635

Desсription: This project aims to contribute towards the Jordan′s MoI reaching a full operational capability by providing support in two of the priorities identified by the NATO Advisory Support Team.


Dates: Jan - Dec


Location:  SWEDINT, Kungsängen, Sweden



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 247 03

--3.32 JALLC METT Analysis and Lessons Lerared Training

Desсription: Based on CMDR COE requirements JALLC METwill provide 2-3 days LL&A Training to the majority of CMDR COE Staff and selected FN LL&A staff.


Dates: 31 Jan - 2 Feb


Location:  CMDR COE



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 703

--3.33 Cultural Property Protection (CPP) Course - MTT together with MPSOTC

Desсription: METT to SEEBRIG  together with MPSOTC


Dates: 6 NOV - 10 NOV


Location:  Kumanovo, Respublic of North Macedonia



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 704
COL (OF-5) Rumen Manchev rumen.manchev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 747 

-- 3.34 Building Integrity Priniciples for Presenters (BIPP) Course

Desсription: The course is designed to enable trainers to successfully plan and conduct education, training and exercises with  in identifying corruption risk within the defence and security sector and measures that can be used to reduce those risks. The course provides the students with a background of frameworks and guidelines regulating building integrity and provides participants with practical examples and best practices of how to teach on Building Itegrity. 


Dates: 23 Jan - 26 Jan


Location:  CMDR COE/Online



COL (OF-5) Svilen Hristov svilen.hristov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 706

--4.1 10th COE LEGAD,FINCON and Financial Procurement Expert Workshops

Desсription: The NATO COE LEGAD workshop intends to bring together LEGAD representatives from all COEs to discuss and share the best practices in the legal issues related to the COEs. 


Dates: 20 Jun - 24 Jun



COL (OF-5) Dimitar Gigov dimitar.gigov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24707

--4.2 Cllimate change and security / Resilience / Human security / Gender / PoC

Desсription: Organising WS on CC and Security with the aim of support CD&E and actively participating and fostering a dedicated CoI. 


Dates:  Jan -  Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.orgOffice: +359 2 92 24704
CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.orgOffice: +359 2 92 24741

-- 4.3 Standing DL tasks for Military Contribution to EU DR, HA and Civil Protection Discipline

Desсription: CMDR COE is the DL for Discipline Military Contribution to EU Disaster Response, Humanitarian Assistance and Civil Protection in EU Military Training Program. This requires constant performance of number of tasks such as Training Requirements Analysis, conduct of Annual Discipline Leader Conference, Sharing experience in support of possible future cooperation between EU and NATO in the E&T area, etc. IOT identify gaps, deficiencies and redundant training, in order to highlight the appropriate corrective measures necessary to meet the training requirements for the specific CSDP military training discipline. In addition, CMDR COE is applying for new Discipline Leader in the EU Military Training area.


Dates:  Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.orgOffice: +359 2 92 24703

--4.4 DFW (Data Fusion Workshop) on HA/DR/CM related AJPs (estimated 3 annual meetings)

Desсription: The work of the Doctrine and Standardization Section requires participation in meetings dedicated on standardization of NATO documents. The aim of the DFWs is to gather experts from various subject-matter areas who will provide update and revision ideas in support of NATO′s Standardization Development process


Dates:  Jan -  Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
COL (OF-5) Efthymios Greventopoulos efthymios.greventopoulos@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24744
LTC (OF-4) Tsvetan Panovski tsvetan.panovski@cmdrcoe.org Office:+359 2 92 2746

--4.5 Quality Assurance Workshop

Desсription: Different events, conferences, WS, meetings and others, related to the POW and important according Strategic perspectives of CMDR COE development.


Dates:  Jan - Dec



CMDR COE Deputy Director Office: +359 2 92 24702

--4.6 Distributed Synthetic Training

Desсription: The course is designed to enable trainers to successfully plan and conduct education, training and exercises with  in identifying corruption risk within the defence and security sector and measures that can be used to reduce those risks. The course provides the students with a background of frameworks and guidelines regulating building integrity and provides participants with practical examples and best practices of how to teach on Building Itegrity. 


Dates:  Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24705 

LTC (OF-4) Genadi Kolev genadi.kolev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24758

--4.7 Tennessee National Guard / EU US Command meeting with CMDR COE

Desсription: The purpose of the meeting - to discuss issues regarding cooperation between the State of Tennessee and the CMDR COE and their future development, including exercises, training and capacity building.


Dates:  Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

--5.1 Gender in Military Operations Annual Discipline Conference

Desсription: To define all E&T issues of the Gender in Military Operations NATO Training  Discipline and to coordinate SMEs support to NATO  E&T.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 704

CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 741

--5.2 Concept Development & Experimentation (CD&E) Annual Conference & Working Group

Desсription: The Concept Development and Experimentation (CD&E) Conference is the leading annual forum that provides a unique opportunity for the international CD&E community and stakeholders to discuss the most current developments in the CD&E domain. 


Dates: Sep - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 704

CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 741

--5.3 NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives (NCGP) Annual Conference

Desсription: The most notable NATO event on gender mainstreaming at a very high political level.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 704

CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 741


Desсription: The focus of the conference is the importance of efficient interagency cooperation for crisis and emergency response. The conference comprises lectures, discussions and presentations.


Dates: 31 May - 1 Jun



Location: Sofia



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704

COL (OF-5)  Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office:+359 2 92 24705

--5.5 NATO COEs CIS Specialists & Security Officers Annual Meeting

Desсription: The NATO COEs CIS Specialists & Security Officers Annual Meeting intends to bring together CIS Specialists & Security Officersfrom all COEs to discuss and share the best practices in the security and CIS issues related to the COEs.


Dates: Jan - Dec



LTC (OF-4) Ivelina Ivanova ivelina.ivanova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 765

CIV Kalco Atanasov kalcho.atanasov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24709

--5.6 NATO International Internal Auditors Conference

Desсription: The conference will focus on the valuable strategic perspective that internal audit can provide.


Dates: Sep - Sep



COL (OF-5) Svilen Hristov svilen.hristov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 706

--5.7 NATO Crisis Response System Manual Review Conference

Desсription: In accordance with changes in the security environment, NATO is conducting a NCRS review.NCRS Conferences is convened at least once a year which serves as the forum to exchange views and experience on crisis management.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurskirobert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 704
COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

--5.8 Alliance Warfare Development Conference (AWDC) 2023

Desсription: The AWDC replaces the former Chiefs of Transformation Conference (COTC) and is organized to bring together senior leadership from NATO Nations responsible for warfare development in order to promote and explain NATO’s warfare development activity, help align National warfare development efforts, build Communities of Interest and exchange best practice.


Dates: Dec- Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700

--5.9 COEs Directors Conference

Desсription: The overall aim of the COE Director Conference is to discuss, determine a way ahead and facilitate networking in order to increase the effectiveness of the centres. Focuses on the mid-term perspective of COE development. Via series of direct engagements with ACT senior leaders, will focus on status quo and future of ACT/COE cooperation. It will also discuss Best Practices and way ahead for COEs’ MOU/TA.


Dates: Sep - Sep


Location:  ACT, Norfolk, USA


COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24700

--5.10 Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems FedCSIS 2023

Desсription: The FedCSIS Conference Series is to provide a presentation, discussion and a reputable publication forum in computer science and information systems. The forum invites researchers and practitioners from around The world to contribute their research results focused on their scientific and professional interests in a chosen conference track.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24700
COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office +359 2 92 24705
COL (OF-5) Kostadin Lazarov kostadin.lazarov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24735
LTC (OF-4) Genadi Kolevgenadi.kolev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24768

--5.11 International Training Technology Exhibition and Conference (ITEC, ITSEC) ,CAX Forums, users conferences)

Desсription: IT²EC is Europe’s primary forum for representatives from across the military, civil sector, industry and academia to connect and share knowledge about simulation, training and education.
The CAX forum is the event spotting the new trends and directions, giving the floor to all players in the Modelling and Simulation Domain, matching the needs and the opportunities of the developers and customers. 


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24705                                                    

COL (OF-5) Kostadin Lazarov kostadin.lazarov@cmdrcoe.org Office:+359 2 92 24757

--5.12 Partnerships 360 Symposium

Desсription: The Symposium will be an opportunity for Partner Nations, NATO Allies, the NATO Command Structure and International Organisations to reflect on the Madrid Summit outcomes and the new NATO Strategic Concept, as well as to share national and organizationalperspectives and best practices on a range of relevant topics.


Dates: Jul- Jul



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700

--5.13 Annual Military Disaster Relief Conference


Desсription: Presentations from different ministries, governmental agencies, academic and scientific institutions and also military organisations about current issues in disaster management area. Case studies of disasters.


Dates: Oct - Nov



Col (OF-5) Laszlo JUHASZ, laszlo.juhasz@cmdrcoe.org +359 89 706 0113

--6.1 Participation in Exercise Planning Conferences in 2023

Desсription: NATO and Regional Military Exercises aim to establish, enhance and display NATO′s Military Capability across the Alliance′s full mission spectrum which is based on the three Alliance military missions:- Article 5 Collective Defence;- Non-Article 5 Crisis Response; and- Consultation and Co-operation.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703


-- 6.2 European security defense college executive academic board (ESDC EAB)

Desсription: The European Security and Defence College (ESDC) was established in 2005, with the aim of providing strategic-level education in European Security and Defence Policy, now Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). It followed thorough need analysis and experimentation phases. The creation of the ESDC was to give the Common Security and Defence Policy a training and education instrument which actively promotes a European security culture.


Dates: Jan - Dec

           Sep - Oct


COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 2469

COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703


--6.3 Conduct CMDR COE Internship Programme

Desсription: The CMDR COE Internship Programme aims to provide bright and motivated young people with the opportunity of joining a multicultural team of experts at an international organisation, which is a hub of expertise, and an education and training facility, in the crisis management and disaster response domain.experience through practical work assignments, research, studies and participation in different projects.


Dates: Jan - Dec



Location: CMDR COE



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703




--6.4 Top Table Exercise (TTX,) COHERENT RESILIENCE 2023 GEORGIA (CORE 23-G)

Desсription: COHERENT RESILIENCE 2022 GEORGIA (CORE 23-G) is one of a series of tabletop exercises (TTXs) aimed at enhancing the resilience of energy systems. The Table Top Exercise (TTX) Coherent Resilience 2023 (CORE 23-CEPS) is  co-organized by the NATO ENSEC COE, Central Europe Pipeline System Programme Office (CEPS PO) and the US Naval Postgraduate School.This TTX focuses on the resilience of the CEPS regarding cyberattacks and cyber threats. Its aim is to assess the CEPS′s ability to mitigate the impact of a cyber-incident while managing to maintain the Caucasus region in delivering energy to the military as well as non-military customers.


Dates: Jun - Jul



Location: Tbilisi, Georgia



COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703


--6.5 Participation in NATO CMX 23

Desсription: The basis of the Crisis Management Exercise (CMX) is to test the NATO Crisis Response System’s (NCRS) elements with the aim of maintaining and improving NATO capabilities for the entire spectrum of conducted operations.


Dates: Mar - Mar



COL (OF-5) Deislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705 

COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703







--6.6 Participation in NATO Short notice Exercise (SNEX) in relation with CMX 23

Desсription: NATO SNEX is one day exercise, it  serves as a prerequisite to CMX 23 


Dates: Nov - Dec



COL (OF-5) Deislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703



--6.7 Training on different software products related to p. 8.5 Modeling and Simulation Laboratory. Technical Platform for conducting Crisis and Disaster Management Exercises

Desсription: The rotation of staff -necessitates the training of new employees on the various software products used by the Center such as MASA SWORD and PITCH.


Dates: Jul - Dec



COL (OF-5) Deislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705


LTC (OF-4) Genadi Kolev genadi.kolev@cmdrcoe.org Office: Office:+359 2 92 24768



--6.8 EADRCC Consequence Management Field Exercise 2023

Desсription: The Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) on  yearly basis is organizing a consequence management field exercise.  The aim of the exercise is to improve interoperability in international disaster response operations. 


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24699

COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704

--7.1 External financial audit (FY-2021-2022)

Desсription: A financial audit is conducted to provide an opinion whether financial statements are fairly stated in accordance with accounting standards and procedures.


Dates: Jun- Jul



LTC (OF-4) Elitsa Raleva elitsa.raleva@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24710



--7.2 Coordination meetings with partner institutions / organisations.

Desсription: To ensure continuous and further strengthened cooperation through partnerships, regular coordination meetings should be held with current and potential counterparts / stakeholders 1 (if necessary 2) events per year (CMDR COE hosting). Example:  - NCGM;   - Hawai HART COE;  - FINCENT - to establish partner relations and host a delegation from the Centre; - other.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5)  Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 700 
CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 740



--7.3 Senior Leaders Seminar on Gender perspectives in Crisis and Disaster management

Desсription: Concept development.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
CIV Gergana Vaklinova 
gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24740



--7.4 Quality Assurance semi-annual review

Desсription: In support of the whole internal Quality Management  Proces meetings and visits for sharing experience and best practices, as well as better understanding and implementation of the NATO QA standards.


Dates: Jan - Dec



CMDR COE Deputy Director
Office: +359 2 92 24 702
Quality Manager
COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703

--7.5 AJOD (Allied Joint Operational Doctrine) Working Group plenary meetings on HA/DR/CM related AJPs (2 semi-annual meetings)

Desсription: The work of the Doctrine and Standardization Section requires participation in meetings dedicated on standardization of NATO documents. The aim of the AJOD WG meetings is to gather experts from various subject-matter areas who will provide update and revision ideas in support of NATO′s continuous transformation, preparedness and adaptation.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 704

COL (OF-5) Efthymios Greventopoulos efthymios.greventopoulos@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 744
LTC (OF-4) Tsvetan Panovski tsvetan.panovski@cmdrcoe.org Office:+359 2 92 24 746

--7.6 11-th Steering Committee (SC) Meeting and Academic Advisory Board (AAB)

Desсription: The annual sessions are the venue where the Framework Nation and Sponsoring Nations set out all required prerequisites to be provided by the CMDR COE every year. The Steering Committee is the strategic governing body, responsible for the approval and management of the Centre’s Programme of Work (POW) and the shared budget. Considering the POW, the Steering Committee members allocate the priorities of the activities and then task the CMDR COE Director with managing the programme execution.


Dates: 25 Oct- 26 Oct



COL (OF-5) Deislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

COL  (OF-5) Svilen Hristov svilen.hristov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24706

--7.7 Seminar on a key NCRS topic in relation with CMX 2

Desсription: Seminar on a key NCRS topic  serves as a prerequisite to CMX 23.


Dates: Jan - Feb



COL (OF-5) Deislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703

--7.8 Annual Internal CMDR COE Seminar

Desсription: The aim of the seminar is to make an annual report of the activities carried out throughout the year and to give instructions and strategic perspectives for the implementation of the POW activities for the next year.


Dates: Dec- Dec



COL  (OF-5) Svilen Hristov svilen.hristov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24706


--8.1 NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept

Desсription: Concept development.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24740



--8.2 Layered resilience

Desсription: Concept development.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24740



--8.3 Countering Cognitive information warfare

Desсription: Concept development 


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704
CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24740



--8.4 Operational Energy Concept

Desсription: Concept development 


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704

CIV Gergana Vaklinova gergana.vaklinova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24740


--8.5 Modeling and Simulation Laboratory. Technical Platform for conducting Crisis and Disaster Management Exercises. Maintainance and upgrade based on Artificial Inteligence.

Desсription: The capabilities of the CMDR COE can be greatly enhanced and increased with the additional of some unique crisis management and disaster response tools, software and simulation systems. The additional of this M&S Laboratory would enable the CMDR COE to provide NATO with a unique comprehensive training and analytical capability unmatched anywhere in the world. This M&S Laboratory would be able to support large scale crisis management and disaster response distributed exercises and analysis with specific crisis management and disaster response tools and simulations. The rotation of staff in 2020 and 2021 necessitates the training of new employees on the various software products used by the Center such as MASA SWORD, PITCH and VBS3.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Deislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

COL (OF-5) Kostadin Lazarov kostadin.lazarov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24735
LTC (OF-4) Genadi Kolev genadi.kolev@cmdrcoe.org Office: Office:+359 2 92 24768

--8.6 CMDR COE required Human Resources for Concept Development Study Research

Desсription: CMDR COE is going to provide experts in support of CD&E researches upon request, comennsurate with its capabilities.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5) Robert Jurski robert.jurski@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24704

COL (OF-5) Deislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705


--9.1 Development and conducting of Common projects and events with Europian commission, EDA, EUMS, ESDC

Desсription: The overall aim is to conduct and todevelope common events as well projects and involvement of SMEs from CMDR and diferent EU institutions.

Dates: Jan - Dec




COL (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24699

COL (OF-5) Plamen Iliev plamen.iliev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24703


--9.2 CMDR COE COI Upgrade & Development Project

Desсription: The CMDR COE defines a Community of Interest (CoI) as a group of subject-matter experts  in the CMDR domain and the wider CMDR COE thematic portfolio, who share a common interest on and / or passion about current or future developments in the respective field of knowledge and practice, and who wish to improve and deepen their knowledge on and expertise in the topic by interacting on a voluntary and regular basis.


Dates: Jan - Dec


Participants: Members of the CMDR COE CoI will contribute to  the development of standards, the creation of new and innovative tools, and the further advancement of a dedicated network of subject-matter experts. 



COL (OF-5) Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeevcmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705

LTC (OF-4) Hristina Hristova hristina.hristova@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 754

--9.3 Strategic Cooperative initiative for South-Eastern Europe

Desсription: CMDR COE will organize, participate and host events throught the year with focus on societal resilience, human security and wartime resilience.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5)Desislav Zmeev desislav.zmeev@cmdrcoe.org Office: +359 2 92 24 705


--9.4 Development of CMDR COE Environmental Protection Policy

Desсription: The Centre has decided to revisit its internal procedure, methods and tools to align itself closely with the requirements of an environmental-friendly organisation. To that end, the development of a Policy on environmental protection has been mandated.


Dates: Jan - Dec



COL (OF-5)  Robert JURSKI robert.yurski@cmdrcoe.org Office:+359 2 92 24 704

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