15. Exercise VIKING 14 (Working meetings, FCC, Execution)

15. Exercise VIKING 14 (Working meetings, FCC, Execution)



Date: January April 2014

01-11 April - Execution, Sofia


Desription: To train and educate participants - civilian, military and police – in planning and conducting an UN mandated Chapter VII Peace Operation/Crisis Response Operation, based on a Comprehensive Approach, and focusing on co-operation and co-ordination within an unstable environment, involving all stakeholders. Principal exercise focus is civilian-military cooperation & coordination. Deep/rich scenario enables diverse & detailed civilian and police play.


Scenario also supports exercising a wide range of peace operations functions (e.g. rule of law, humanitarian, etc.). The Centre will provide SME support in the CMDR area for the exercise.

Location: Bulgaria- Sweden


Participants: Participation with personnel (6) from CMDR COE in order to provide SMEs in the CMDR area. Creating remote site for CMDR in Bulgaria. CMDR COE will participate through the year in working meetings and conferences.

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