Climate Change

Climate change is a global trend which implicates on all aspects of life and on every human activity. Conversely, climate change is precipitated by human activity and this vicious cycle threatens the future of not only human, but all species on the planet. Pollution and environmental degradation are aggravating the effects of climate change and therebysignificantly impairing on the health and well-beingof people across the globe. A reality, which is becoming particularly worrying when current trends are projected in the longer-term and point to an increase in frequency and intensity of catastrophic events. Already, COVID-19 is highlighting the immediate need for improved environmental management. The CMDR COE has been continuously expanding its interest in climate change and particularly in climate change implications on the operational environment, and thereby – on military activities. In 2017, and as a result of an Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) under the NATO Science for peace and Security Programme, the CMDR COE produced a publication addressing regional considerations on the implications of climate change and disasters on military activities. Furthermore, and in close cooperation with European Security and Defence College, the Centre developed a topical Climate Change and Security course, which explores ways of addressing this growing in importance and relevance nexus by improving awareness and enhancing decision-making. In 2020 the Centre continued mapping existing analysis and research within the afore-mentioned parameters and plans to further engage in organising a number of related events, including workshops and seminars in 2021. The CMDR COE aims to establish a dedicated community of interest, which to advance proposals in support of adequate and targeted actions. For achieving the latter, the Centre leverages the capabilities of its fully-functional Operational Laboratory, where modelling and simulation based on the most advanced of existing software provides a foresight into potential courses of action.



E&T opportunities: 


Climate Change and Security Course   Learn more and Apply HERE





Nikolov, O; Veeravalli, Swathi. (2017). Implications of CLimate Change and Disaster on Military Activities: Building Resiliency and Mitigating Vulnerability in the Balkan Region. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-1071-6. 



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