Deputy Director

Colonel Christos Sgouromallis was born in Thessaloniki in 1971 and originates from Paleokomi, Serres. He was admitted in the Hellenic Army Academy in 1989 and graduated in 1993 with the rank of Infantry Second Lieutenant.
He has attended and graduated from all required military courses and schools including Staff Officers School, Supreme Joint War College and National Defense College.
As an Infantry Officer, he served in various infantry units as a platoon, company, battalion and regiment commander. Also as a Director of the 4th Office of a Division and Chief of Staff of a Brigade.
He has been Awarded all decorations, commendations and medals provided for his rank.
Since September 2022, he is holding the position of a Deputy Director of the CMDR COE.
He is holder of the certificate Proficiency in English and MBA degree.
He is married and has two children.