1.21-25 Support to work in ACT′s Focus Areas

1.21-25 Support to work in ACT′s Focus Areas

Desсription: COEs will be requested to support, as appropriate, workstrands within ACT that impact on the Focus Areas.  This tasking will be shaped by the post Warsaw Summit implementation plan which should be finalized by the end of 2016. Specific to SIE, COE's may be tasked to support content development for key strategic engagements in 2017, starting with the NATO Transformation Seminar in March 2017 and the Startegic Military Partnership Conference (dates tbc).


Dates: Jan - Dec


Location: TBD


Participants: CMDR COE – 2


POCs: COL (OF-5) Jarosław KUBISZ / jaroslaw.kubisz@cmdrcoe.org / Office: +359 2 92 24704

 Col (OF-5) Orlin Nikolov / orlin.nikolov@cmdrcoe.org / Office: +359 2 92 24705

1.1 Lessons Learned Process

Support to JALLC in conducting JALLC Analysis Reports (ARs)

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1.2 Lessons Learned Process

Conduct Analysis Reports (ARs) in the specific area of expertise

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1.3 Lessons Learned Conference and Workshops

Participate and support the annual NATO LL Conference as well as LL Workshops

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1.4 - 7 RS Training Events

RS Training Events are designed for training RS HQs in all echelons to prep them for deployment.

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1.8-9 Enhanced Enduring Partnership mission (e-EP)

e-EP Training Events will be designed for training staff to prep them for deployment

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1.10 Increase course offering to the Partnership Cooperation Menu

The Partnership Cooperation Menu is the primary repository of all education, training and cooperation activiteis for NATO′s partners. It contains overr 1400 separate events and helps to train aroudn 10, 000 partner officers in more than 57 countries.

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1.11 Increase E&T offer for partners in the area of crisis management/ peacekeeping

More education and training on crisis management / peacekeeping

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1.12 Support to work in ACT′s Training and Exercises Focus Area

COEs will be requested to support, as appropriate, workstrands within ACT that impact on the Training and Exercises Focus Area.

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1.13 Crisis Management

LANDCOM G3 is configured to undertake crisis management as part of the role as a Land Component Command (LCC) during crisis periods.

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Participation of CMDR COE with SME for the following area: crisis management,  partnership approach to the building of crisis management and comprehensive approach support to operations in combined joint environments  during the evaluation process of JFCBS as JTF HQ during a MJO(+)

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1.15 Support to HQ JFC NP Civil Emergency Planning (CEP)

Review of current CEP MTT curricula and development / improvement of lectures for operational and tactical level audiences. 

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1.16 Crisis management and disaster response

A workshop/wargame on how JFCBS, as the NRF, would respond to a crisis or disaster

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1.17 COE Orientation for all JFC

There are 21 accredited COEs. Most people are unaware of them. All JFC staff would benefit from a basic brief of each. 

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1.18 Multinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC) 2017 - 2018

The MCDC directors will be deciding on the overarching theme in late summer, Sep 2016, and this will have to be approved by the MCDC Executive Steering Group in Nov/Dec 2016.

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1.20 Framework for Future Alliance Operations (FFAO) 2018

The Framework for Future Alliance Operations (FFAO) 2018 development can aid defence planners and COEs in identifying long-term military requirements.

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1.26 Task-Group MSG-134

NATO Distributed Simulation Architecture & Design, Compliance Testing and Certification 

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1.27 Task-Group MSG-147

M&S Support for Crisis and Disaster Management Processes and Climate Change Implications

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1.28 SFA - Strategic Foresight Analysis

COEs will be requested to support development of the SFA 2017 report.

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1.29 Courses for JFCBS CRM representatives

In order to improve the management of a crisis knowledge by officers involved in the NATO Crisis Response System, J5  personnel to attend the CMDR COE courses.

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1.30 Civil Emergency Planning

Provision of civil emergency planning and to selected personnel of Afghan Security Institutions (ASI) either by Mobile Training Teams to AFG or by facilitating training to the audience out-of-theatre.

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1.31 Integration of gender perspective into the existing curriculas where and when appropriate Community of Interest on Gender

The NATO COEs should analyse and describe in what way and where gender will be integrated in the existing and potentially new curriculas and courses/trainings.

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1.32 CIMIC/CMI Steering Committee (SC)

To coordinate all CMI and CIMIC related activities.

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1.33 CIMIC/CMI Working Groups (WG) CIMIC/CMI Community of Interest

To coordinate all CMI and CIMIC related activities, including the harmonisation of CMI and CIMIC conducted in and by the different operational level HQs and to incorporate the lessons learned from ongoing operations into the doctrine revision process.

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1.34 Consequence Management Exercises / LL process Development of Resource Library / participation

The overall aim is to conduct anddeveloped common events as well projects and involvement of SMEs from CMDR and EADRCC Participation of CMDR COE SMEs in the exercises organized by EADRCC.

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1.35 NATO-Partner/s Crisis Response Operations Exercise (CAX/CPX)

CMDR COE acts as SME in contribution to overal collective training and exercises planning, preparation and execution for a NATO enhanced opportunity partner/s.

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1.36 NATO COEs Federated Approach

For the purpose of building resilient society, the main priority of the international community and its main efforts should be directed against hybrid threats and in particular terrorism, which exploits the vulnerability of the democratic societies and in particular the individual through spreading fear. 

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1.37 3rd COE FINCON Conference

Hosting a conference, for all existing and future Financial controllers of NATO COEs.

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