Disaster Management Course 2017 iteration accomplishes its goals
Date: (19-05-2017)
CMDR COE successfully conducted the 5-day Disaster Management course from 15 to 19 May 2017 providing basic knowledge related to disasters as phenomenon, the disaster management process and its close relation to the risk management process, as well as the main players and mechanisms in disaster response.
The attendees were introduced to numerous topics related to disaster management, risk management, capability development, gender perspectives, humanitarian assistance and the role of the international actors in disaster response through lectures, practical teamwork and subsequent student presentations.
Participants from 77th Brigade of the British Army, Bulgarian Defence Staff, German Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence of Hungary, Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection of the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, Trakia University, NATO JFC Naples and University of Rome took part actively.
CMDR COE Team expresses special appreciation and gratitude to the guest-lecturers from the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, Bulgarian Red Cross and US European Command.