Resilience Through Civil Preparedness Course - (ETOC CODE: ETE-CM-25589)

Location: CMDR COE
Duration: 5
Depth of knowledge: Level 200 / 300
27-31 OCT 2025: general application (RESIDENT) - Closes on 03 OCT 2025.
Enrolment notifications by 10 OCT 2025.
Course Director: CIV Bozhidara KIRYAKOVA / e-mail: / office phone: +359 2 92 24 744
Course OPR: LTC Mihai ILIE / e-mail: / office phone: +359 2 92 24 730
The CMDR COE is dedicating targeted efforts at supporting NATO’s efforts to increase resilience in the crisis management and disaster response domain. Responding to an identified gap in the education and training landscape, the CMDR COE and the CIMIC Centre of Excellence (CCOE), the NATO Department Head for CIMIC/CMI/Civil Preparedness discipline, jointly developed and successfully piloted in DEC 2019 a tailored Education and Training solution - the Resilience through Civil Preparedness (RtCP) Course.
The CMDR COE and the CCOE actively collaborate on the delivery of the RtCP Course, which has two annual iterations - March and November. More information on the iteration, hosted by the CCOE, can be found here:
Please, familiarise yourselves with the selection requirements as specified here-below, particularly concerning the target audience.
Through increased awareness of the relation between civil preparedness and improved operational effectiveness, to provide senior civilian and military experts with a general understanding of the various aspects of resilience at a strategic level and the effects, thereafter, on the operational level.
Training Audience:
NATO structures and agencies and NATO members only.
Military officers (OF-2 and higher) and/or civil equivalent assigned to NATO HQs and agencies, missions and operations; NATO members' Ministries of Defence and subordinated HQs; Ministries and State Agencies operating in the field of Civil Preparedness in terms of Crisis Management.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the relation between resilience and civil preparedness as well as the effects on military activities / operations.
- Support the integration of resilience aspects into the medium/long-term planning within the respective chain of command.
- Support the strategic advice on different aspects of Resilience through Civil Preparedness and its impact on military operations.
1. NATO ADL 169 - Improving Operational Effectiveness by Integrating Gender Perspectives.
2. NATO CMI/CIMIC Awareness Course available at:
Please bear in mind that ADL 169 requires account registration on the NATO e-learning platform: This platform is NOT managed by either the CMDR COE or the CCOE. Refer any technical matters to the NATO JADL Admin Support.
IN-PERSON . The study method is premised on the principles of adult learning. If needed, the course assessment will be tailored to the specifics of the online environment.
CMDR COE Internet Portal. Personal accounts will be created upon confirmation of course participation. Login:
The course will be conducted entirely in English. The command of English language must be at a professional level and in accordance with STANAG 6001 (3-2-3-2) or CEFRL (B2+/C1).
Attendance and Learning environment:
Enrolled learners are expected to participate in, and fully engage in all course activities. The intensive course schedule does not allow for absences. Certificate for successful completion shall not be awarded to trainees, who have been absent during more than 10% of the total course duration, or from a critical course assignment.
Online application is open until 01 OCT 2025. Successful applicants will be notified by 05 OCT 2025.
Course application is mandatory and the application form can be accessed through the CMDR COE’s official website. Visit the website at, go to Events; select Courses; find the RtCP Course on the course list and click on Apply here.
In order to proceed with the application and to attend the course, applicants need to familiarise themselves with, and agree to the CMDR COE Privacy and Data Protection Policy.
Number of learners:
- face-to-face iterations: minimum 15, maximum 30.
Face-to-face: Participants are expected to have a valid insurance coverage for their stay in Bulgaria.
Course Fee:
The course fee for resident iterations is 250 EURO and for online iterations - 200 EURO. Enrolled learners / their organisations are to cover the course fee latest one week before course start. The fee can be payed online (a payment link will be provided) or via bank transfer (further details will be provided). In case of no-show past the cancellation deadline (two weeks prior to the beginning of the course), the course fee is non-refundable.
No fee will be charged to military personnel, governmental employees and governmental educational institutions from Sponsoring Nations (Greece, Hungary, Poland and Romania) and the Framework nation (Bulgaria).
Face-to-face iterations: successful applicants are responsible for arranging and covering their travel, accommodation and per diem. The CMDR COE could provide accommodation suggestions upon request.
Dress code:
General (both military and civilian): Smart casual.
Optional (military): Uniform.
Cancellation of participation is only possible with a 2-week notice prior to the start date of the course for both face-to-face and online iterations. The CMDR COE reserves the right to cancel the course also with a 2-week notice prior to the start date in case the minimum number of participants is not reached or due to circumstances beyond the Centre's control. A written notice will be circulated to all selected trainees.
Course assessment and certification. Each learner must demonstrate an ability to perform in accordance with the course objectives. Learners will be assessed against both individual and collective formative and summative assessment criteria. There are two types of certificates depending on overall performance: Certificate for Successful Completion and Certificate for Participation.
Useful links (copy and paste in a browser):
- Sofia Municipality:
- Sofia Airport:
- Railway transport:
- Sofia Urban Mobility Center:
- Sofia free tours -