Gender Focal Point Course (NATO APPROVED: NATO ETOC: GEN-GO-25432)

Gender Focal Point Course (NATO APPROVED: NATO ETOC: GEN-GO-25432)

Gender Focal Point Course (NATO APPROVED: NATO ETOC: GEN-GO-25432)
Gender Focal Point Course (NATO APPROVED: NATO ETOC: GEN-GO-25432)

30 Sep 2024
Gender Focal Point Course (NATO APPROVED: NATO ETOC: GEN-GO-25432)Date: (11-11-2024)
City: Sofia
Location: CMDR COE
Duration: 4
Classification: Non-classified
Depth of knowledge: Level 200 / 300
Code: NATO ETOC: GEN-GO-25432





13 - 16 MAY: general application (RESIDENT) - APPLICAITON CLOSED. 

11 - 14 NOV: general application (ONLINE) - APPLICAITON OPEN. Closes on 30 SEP 2024. Enrolement notification by 07 OCT 2024




Course Director: LTC Hristina HRISTOVA:; +359 2 92 24 754


Course OPR: PCC Nikoleta PRIMAVARUS:; +359 2 92 24 720







Aim. The NATO-approved Gender Focal Point (GFP) Course (DoK: level 200) aims to enable personnel to perform successfully as GFPs by establishing a common understanding of the role and responsibilities of a GFP as regards their contribution to the integration of gender perspectives within respective functional areas. The CMDR COE is delivering the NATO GFP course at the strategy and operational levels.


Training Audience. Military officers (OF-2 and higher*) and/or civil equivalent assigned to NATO HQs and agencies, missions and operations; NATO Ally and Partner nations' Ministry of Defence and subordinated HQs; Ministry of Interior, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


* Exceptions are possible for NCOs (OR-7 above) based on functional responsibilities consistent with strategic / operational organisations.


Learning Objectives:

- Provide advice on the integration of gender perspectives in all activities within the chain of commands’ / functional area of responsibility.

 - Discuss CR-SGBV in relation to chain of commands’ / functional area of responsibility.

- Liaise with external organizations to assist with the implementation of gender perspectives.

- Develop working relationships, within own organization, to assist with the chain of commands’ integration of gender perspectives.

- Maintain functional dialogue with GENAD.

- Maintain a monitoring function.

- Report on data in reports for integration of gender perspectives.

- Contribute to the lessons learned process. 


Prerequisite. Enrolled learners must complete the following prerequisite NLT a week before course start:


NATO ADL 169 - Gender Perspective in Military operations;


NATO ADL 171 - Gender Focal Point.


Total time for completion: 2x50 min


Failure to show proof of prerequisite completion prior to course start may preclude participation in the course.

To access the NATO e-learning platform, NATO JADL, log in or register here: In case of technical issues concerning the ADL courses, please contact NATO JADL Admin Support. 


Pre-course assignments. In addition to course prerequisite, enrolled learners will be required to perform two mandatory pre-course tasks: appx. 2h for completion.


Course assessment and certification. Each learner must demonstrate an ability to perform in accordance with the course objectives. Learners will be assessed against both individual and collective formative and summative assessment criteria. There are two types of certificates depending on overall performance: Certificate for Successful Completion and Certificate for Participation.


Method of delivery: IN-PERSON and ONLINE. The study method is premised on the principles of adult learning and formative and summative assessment will be tailored to the specifics of the online environment.

ONLINE: synchronous instructor-guided. The online course follows the same requirements and standards of quality and certification as applicable to its face-to-face version. The online course consists of live sessions with instructors in a virtual classroom; breakout syndicate rooms; self-paced (pre-study) and facilitator-guided individual and/or collective tasks.

Prior to joining the course, learners should ensure their uninterrupted attendance (we recommend taking leave with the course).

Online platforms. Cisco WebEx Meetings video teleconferencing platform. Cisco WebEx Meetings can be run in an Internet browser or downloaded as an application. We recommend that you download the desktop application: There is no requirement to have or to create an account with Cisco WebEx Meetings to attend the course. 

CMDR COE Internet Portal. Personal accounts will be created upon confirmation of course participation. Login:


Access to the Internet, stable Internet connection, working audio (microphone) and video (camera) functions are necessary prerequsites for successfully participating in an online GFP course iteration.


Language. The course will be conducted entirely in English. The command of English language must be at a professional level and in accordance with STANAG 6001 (3-2-3-2) or CEFRL (B2+/C1).


Attendance and Learning environment. Enrolled learners are expected to participate in and fully engage with all course activities and to limit distractions as much as possible. The intensive course schedule does not allow for absences. Certificate for successful completion shall not be awarded to learners, who have been absent more than 10% of the total course duration, or of a critical course assignment.


Application. Course application is mandatory and the application form can be accessed on the CMDR COE’s official website. Visit the website at, go to Events; select Courses and find the GFP course on the course list; select an iteration from the drop-down menu and click on Register now. In order to proceed with the application, and to attend the course, applicants need to familiarise with and agree to the CMDR COE Privacy and Data Protection Policy.


Number of learners:

- face-to-face iterations: minimum 15, maximum 30

- online iterations: minimum 10, maximum 20 


Medical. Face-to-face iterations: Learners are expected to have a valid insurance coverage for their stay in Bulgaria


Course Fee. The course fee for resident iterations is 300 EURO and for online iterations - 200 EURO. Enrolled learners / their organisations are to cover the course fee latest one week before course start. The fee can be payed online (a payment link will be provided) or via bank transfer (further details will be provided). In case of no show past the cancellation deadline (two weeks in advance of course start), the course fee is non-reimbursable.

Fee exemptions: member of the security and defence sector from the CMDR COE Sponsoring nations.

Face-to-face iterations: successful applicants are responsible for arranging and covering their travel, accommodation and per diem. The CMDR COE could provide accommodation suggestions upon request.  


Cancellation. Cancellation of participation must be communicated in a written form (via email) NLT two weeks in advance of course start. The CMDR COE reserves the right to cancel the course’s delivery within the same deadline in case the minimum number of participants is not reached or circumstances beyond the Centre's control prevent course delivery. A written notice will be circulated to all enrolled learners.  

Dress code:

General (both military and civilian): Smart casual.

Optional (military): Uniform.


Useful links (copy and paste in a browser):

- Sofia Municipality:

- Sofia Airport:

- Railway transport:

- City mobility (travel passes):  

- Sofia guide:

- Sofia free tours - 

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