CMDR COE Annual Seminar Info Package

CMDR COE Annual Seminar Info Package

Date: (01-04-2015)

CMDR COE is pleased to announce that its third annual seminar for Crisis Management and Disaster Response Interagency Interaction will be held at the Boyana Residency, Sofia from Monday 8th June to Tuesday 09th June 2015.

Three ideas underlie this year seminar as clustered in the shape of three plenary sessions.

"The Crisis Management and Disaster Response Policies and Interactions" is for the purpose of presenting and sharing different policies and practices. Furthermore it is to engage participants in discussions of the subjects and enable better understanding for interaction among institutions and entities.

"The Future Operations in Urban Environment" examines the impact of disasters and crises on urban zones and the consequences of urbanization on crisis response operations at the horizon up to 2035, granted on the fact that the population in cities grows at blazing speed worldwide.

"The Best Practices in CMDR Education and Training" aims to present modeling and simulation capability innovations in CMDR training as to facilitate work towards implementing the know-how in exercises.


Internal CMDR COE Seminar on the Crisis in Syria

The CMDR COE organised an internal seminar which was held on 20.12.2013. The main focus of the seminar was the crisis in Syria. The CMDR COE experts discussed issued related to the chronology of the crisis; the increased influx of refugees to neighbouring countries and Bulgaria; the positions of NATO, the UN and EU; the involvement of international humanitarian organisations etc.

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Visualizing Implications of Climate Change on Military Activities and Relationships was conducted

On 11-12 December 2013, the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) co-hosted together with US European Command (USEUCOM) and the US embassy in Bulgaria the workshop Visualizing Implications of Climate Change on Military Activities and Relationships. The opening remarks were given by the Deputy Minister of Defence of Bulgaria, Mr. Ivan Ivanov, who welcomed the participants and underlined the importance of the topics that the workshop focused on.

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