Strategic Collaboration and Future Synergies: A Diplomatic Dialogue at CMDR COE

Strategic Collaboration and Future Synergies: A Diplomatic Dialogue at CMDR COE

Date: (18-01-2024)

On the 18th of January 2024, the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) extended a warm welcome to His Excellency Mr. Jes Brogaard Nielsen, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Denmark to the Republic of Bulgaria, along with Mrs. Sara Gry Andersen, First Secretary at the Danish Embassy in Sofia.

Colonel Orlin Nikolov, the Director of CMDR COE, took the opportunity to provide a comprehensive overview to the esteemed guests. This encompassed the Center's foundational concept, its intricate responsibilities, the pivotal developmental milestones achieved, the overarching strategic goals, and a detailed exploration of its organizational structure.

The Branch Chiefs then took the floor, illuminating the principal activities within their respective branches and highlighting the key events scheduled for implementation in the year 2024.

Ambassador Nielsen, displaying keen interest, actively engaged in discussions centered on potential future collaborations. He not only expressed interest in fostering cooperation but also put forth constructive proposals. These suggestions were aimed at creating avenues for enhanced engagement and mutual benefit, specifically targeting representatives from various ministries and organizations in Denmark.

The conducted dialogue proved to be highly productive, characterized by a cordial atmosphere. The meeting not only served as a platform for the exchange of information but also laid the groundwork for promising avenues of collaboration in the realms of crisis management and disaster response between Denmark and the Republic of Bulgaria.


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