Date: (29-08-2016)

Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) devotes efforts to address the importance of understanding disaster management processes and raise awareness of the latest developments related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA).


The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is a 15-year, voluntary, non-binding agreement which recognizes that the State has the primary role to reduce disaster risk but that responsibility should be shared with other stakeholders including local government, the private sector and other stakeholders. The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is supporting the implementation, follow-up and review of the Sendai Framework.


In this regard, CMDR COE will host a UNISDR Training of Trainers Workshop for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework. The event will take place from 17 to 19 January 2017 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The venue will be Arena di Serdica Hotel, located at 2 Budapeshta Street.



Participants of the workshop will learn about the Sendai Framework and its applications to national existing plans. The UNISDR will provide globally accepted tools and help the participants become familiar with the tools, use them and develop draft action plans for integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into development policies. The UNISDR will also bring global best practices and encourage sharing of experiences amongst the participants as well.


Training Audience:

The targeted audience are high-level authorities and experts from National/Central and Local/City governments, academic and DRR training institutions, City Associations, and other local actors within the country.



Security Clearance is not required.



The workshop will be conducted in English and interpretation services will not be provided.



You are kindly invited to participate or delegate a representative to attend the event. To register please use the link below and fill in a Registration Form no later than 9 December 2016.


Course Fee:

There is no fee for participating in this event, however other costs (travel, accommodation, meals) are at the expense of the attendees.



- MAJ Stoyan Stoyanov, stoyan.stoyanov@cmdrcoe.org, phone: +359 2 92 24718

- Mr. Philip Spаssov, philip.spаssov@cmdrcoe.org, phone: +359 2 92 24737


Draft Agenda is available here

Info Package is available here


Distinguished visit to CMDR COE

Major General Tony Wright in Sofia

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Representatives from UK and US Embassies paid a visit to CMDR COE

The CMDR COE is proud to announce that on 31st of May 2022 a meeting with representatives from The United Kingdom Embassy to Bulgaria and the United States Embassy to Bulgaria was held.

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Visit of the Chief of Defence of the Republic of Turkey

On 31st of May, 2022, General Yaşar Güler, Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces paid an official visit to CMDR COE.

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Seminar on Crisis Response System

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Role of Crisis Diplomacy

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Visit of the JFCNP ACOS J9

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Successful hybrid iteration of the Climate Change and Security Course

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Climate Change and Security Course started

Today, 5th April, the Climate Change and Security Course began. The course is conducted under the auspicious of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), with the support of the Diplomatic Institute to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.

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CMDR COE celebrated its 7th Anniversary

On 31 March 2022, CMDR COE celebrated its 7th Anniversary

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Crisis Management and Disaster Response Course successfully completed

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Cooperation with Department of Energy, USA

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MSG-187 Workshop

15-17 March 2022 

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Online using JADL platform

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Commence the 2022 CMDR COE Internship

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An inspiration for the year of 2022

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Final iteration of the NATO GFP course for 2021

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Beneficial Intenational Conference

The Future of Transatlantic Relations

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Important visit to CMDR COE

Officials from North Macedonia, 6-8 Dec 2021

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5-day course for decision-makers in CROs

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CMDR COE in support of a high level training

The Jordanian National Level Exercise Darb Al-Aman 2021, 7-11 November 2021

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