Visualizing Implications of Climate Change on Military Activities and Relationships was conducted

Visualizing Implications of Climate Change on Military Activities and Relationships was conducted

Date: (13-12-2013)

On 11-12 December 2013, the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) co-hosted together with US European Command (USEUCOM) and the US embassy in Bulgaria the workshop Visualizing Implications of Climate Change on Military Activities and Relationships. The opening remarks were given by the Deputy Minister of Defence of Bulgaria, Mr. Ivan Ivanov, who welcomed the participants and underlined the importance of the topics that the workshop focused on.

The speakers included representatives of the US Army Corps of Engineers' Engineering Research and Development Centre (ERDC), USEUCOM, CMDR COE, the National Institute for Hydrology and Meteorology at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, BGR Armed Forces Meteorological Centre, BGR National Military University, BGR High School of Civil Engineering and Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection at BGR Ministry of Interior. Among the other participants were also representatives of Bulgarian ministries and agencies which have responsibilities related to disaster prevention and disaster relief like the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Environment and Waters, Military Medical Academy, Military Geographic Service, BGR Ministry of Defence and BGR Army, BGR National Defence Academy etc.

The two-day workshop focused on topics related to on-going research on climate change in the US and Bulgaria, hydrological modelling, available geospatial tools for visualizing climate change, socio-cultural aspects of water security and implications of climate change on military activities. The researchers from US and Bulgaria had the opportunity to present their work and to share experience with other scientists working in the same field. The interesting discussions during each session touched upon important issues like sharing data between researchers in different countries, cooperation between research institutes and governmental organisations, the application of hydrological and meteorological research for the planning of disaster prevention activities and many other.

In his closing remarks, the Director of CMDR COE, Col. Mitko Stoykov, thanked all participants for their valuable contribution to the event. He underlined the importance of building a Community of Interest in the field of crisis management and disaster response, especially with regard to climate change and the planning of disaster prevention activities for the coming decades. CMDR COE, USECOM and the American Embassy in Bulgaria see this workshop as an important step in that direction and are ready to continue the work in this field in close cooperation with national and international stakeholders and partner organisations.

All materials from the workshop are avaiable on the site of the CMDR COE.


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