CMDR COE held the Disaster Management Course from 16 to 20 May 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Date: (20-05-2016)
The aim of the course involved the acquisition of basic knowledge related to disasters as a phenomenon, the disaster management process and its close relation to the risk management process, as well as the main players and mechanisms in disaster response.
The Course audience comprised multinational experts with extensive experience in various areas of expertise.
CMDR COE welcomed representatives of a wide array of organizations such as Canadian Department of National Defence, 2nd Logistics Regiment of Logistics Command of Finland, NATO Modeling & Simulation Centre of Excellence, Local Authorities from Polygyros Municipality in Greece, the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, Research Institute based in Turkey, Bulgarian Ministry of Defence, Defence Staff, Land Forces Command and CIMIC Company, National Military University "Vasil Levski" and Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection of the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior.
The CMDR COE team would like to express their special appreciation and gratitude to the guest speakers for delivering presentations on NATO Civil Emergency Planning, United Nations Role in Disaster Response, European Union Civil Protection Mechanism, the role of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent and Civil-Military Coordination in Humanitarian Assistance through the United States Perspective.
The assigned learning objectives were fully covered contributing to achieving the course aim which was proved by comparing the initial test and the outgoing test results.
Registration for CMDR COE’s next event - Crisis Response Operations Planning Professional Development Course is now open.

In the period May 31 to June 3, 2016 CMDR COE will hold two events - ANNUAL CONFERENCE INTERAGENCY INTERACTION IN CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND DISASTER RESPONSE 2016 and MSG-147 - 2ND MEETING. Both events will be broadcasted live on the Web. For those who want to join online, below are the links to the relevant events.
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The South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) was established in 1999 and is currently located in Larissa. The SEEBRIG consists of six NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP) nations: Albania, Bulgaria, FYROM, Greece, Romania, and Turkey and has a purpose to promote regional stability and security in South-Eastern Europe.
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A Mobile Education and Training Team (METT), comprised of CMDR Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), conducted from 11 to 13 April 2016 a Disaster Response Operations Course at South-Eastern Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) HQ, Larissa, Greece. Thirty five participants from SEEBRIG HQ – representatives from Albania, Bulgaria, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia[1], Greece, Romania, and Turkey took part and successfully completed the course.
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One year after the decision of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) for the accreditation of the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence, the Centre celebrates its activation as a NATO Military Body.
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The Crisis Management and Disaster Response Course took place from 21 to 25 March 2016 at the CMDR COE.
The aim of the course is to provide the attendees with basic knowledge to NATO Crisis Management fundamentals, NATO Crisis Response System, and its complementary elements - NATO Crisis Management Process, Civil Emergency Planning, and Operations Planning, as well as Disaster Response main actors.
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Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT) in cooperation with the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE), successfully conducted the 2016 COE Legal Advisors (LEGADs) Conference in Sofia on 24-25 February 2016.
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Ministry of Interior, supported by Civil-Emergency Planning Representative at Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Bulgaria to NATO, organized and conducted from 17 to 18 February 2016 CEP Workshop: Towards Operational, Coherent and Effective Civil Crisis Response Measures.
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The Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) in cooperation with the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) conducted a Lessons Identified Conference for the EADRCC Exercise Ukraine 2015 in Sofia on 25-27 January, 2016.
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You are cordially invited to attend and participate in the Kick - Off meeting of the NATO M&S Group 147 “M&S Support for Crisis and Disaster Management processes, and Climate Change implications”.
This event will take place on 17th and 18th March 2016 at the Arena Di Serdica Hotel in Sofia (Bulgaria).
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CMDR COE would like to share with counterparts, collaborators and the whole crisis management and disaster response community of interest its first good news for the New 2016.
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The Training Requirements Analysis (TRA) workshop for the discipline Military role and tasks in Crisis Management/Disaster Relief was held on 13-14 January 2016 in Shipka Hotel in Sofia, Bulgaria. The workshop was attended by more than 20 participants from eight EU countries (AUT, BEL, GER, BUL, FIN, CYP, POL, ROM) and EU Military Training Group (EUMTG). The Working Group comprised experts from the Bulgarian National Defense College, other COEs, Defense Ministries and EU institutions.
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CMDR COE has executed successfully from 1 to 3 December 2015, for the second consecutive time a course with the aim of providing Strategic Decision Makers with comprehensive knowledge of NATO Crisis Response Operations Planning.
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CMDR COE successfully conducted the first Disaster Management Course from 17th to 19th November 2015.
During the 3-day course participants acquired basic knowledge related to disasters as a phenomenon, the disaster management process and its close relation to the risk management process, as well as the main players and mechanisms in disaster response.
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CMDR COE successfully conducted for the second consecutive time the Crisis Response Operations Planners Professional Development Course from 20th to 22nd October 2015.
The aim of the course was directed at acquisition of comprehensive knowledge related to Crisis Management in NATO, functioning of NATO Crisis Response System with emphasis on NATO Crisis Response Planning at operational level.
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On October 14-15, 2015, the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) hosted its Steering Committee Meeting for the third year.
The annual sessions are the venue where the Framework Nation and Sponsoring Nations set out all required prerequisites to be provided by the CMDR COE every year.
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The Sofia Military Attaché Corps has paid a visit to the Crisis Management and Disaster Response COE. The attaches were familiarized with the ongoing projects objectives of the Centre and met with its staff members. Col Roussinov, CMDR COE Director presented the main activities and focused attention to their significant contribution to the enhancing of nationwide capabilities for crisis management and disaster response.
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The CMDR COE has carried out its third annual Interagency Interaction Seminar at Boyana Residence, Sofia, Bulgaria in the period 8-9 JUN 2015.
The keynote speakers of the seminar were Mr. Dimitar Kyumyurdzhiev – Deputy Minister of Defence, Mr. Guenter Bretschneider - Head of the CEPOS, IS, NATO HQ, RADM Chris Sadler - Reserve Deputy Director, Maritime Operations U.S. Fleet Forces Command and Col Vassil ROUSSINOV – CMDR COE Director.
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The CMDR COE is pleased to announce the launch of its third Interagency Interaction Seminar combined with the Urbanisation Experiment Final Coordination Conference (FCC) and Experiment Control Training Session.
The two major events are scheduled to take place at Boyana Residence, Sofia, Bulgaria in the period 8-12 JUN 2015.
The Interagency Interaction Seminar will be held over the course of two days - 8-9 JUN, 2015.
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On May 27th 2015 the Bulgarian Deputy Defence Minister, Mr. Dimitar Kyumyurdzhiev formally opened the Partnership Real time Information, Management and Exchange system (ePRIME) training course. This event is organized by the Cooperation and Regional Security Division, NATO HQ International Military Staff, led by Rear Admiral Emil Eftimov. This course is hosted by the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Center of Excellence (CMDR COE).
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The Crisis Management and Disaster Response Course was successfully conducted from 19 to 21 MAY 2015 by CMDR COE.
The aim of the course was to provide the attendees with theoretical foundations of NATO Structure and Crisis Management. In addition, the teamworks allowed the participants to apply the theoretical knowledge into practice interacting with respective NATO entities.
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CMDR COE is pleased to announce that its third annual seminar for Crisis Management and Disaster Response Interagency Interaction will be held at the Boyana Residency, Sofia from Monday 8th June to Tuesday 09th June 2015.
Three ideas underlie this year seminar as clustered in the shape of three plenary sessions.
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The Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) is delighted to announce that the on 31st March the silence procedure by NAC has ended and the Centre has earned status as the 21st NATO COE and its activation as a NATO Military Body with a granted international status under Article 14 of the Paris Protocol, as recommended by HQ SACT.
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After successful conduction of the seminar "Visualizing Implication of Climate Change on Military Activities and Relationships" in 2013, its successor "Building Resiliency and Decreasing Vulnerability through Climate Change Adaptation" was unveiled on 30 March 2015. Commodore Mihaylov, director of the Operations and Training Directorate - Bulgarian MOD, formally opened the seminar in Triaditza Hall at Grand Hotel Sofia. The event brings together flag-level representatives of governmental bodies from several NATO countries and 4 PfP nations. It is hosted again by CMDR COE and organized in partnership with the U.S. European Command.
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The aim of this hybrid training event is to enhance Balkan States′ capabilities to respond to a regional crisis while testing and improving interoperability of their Modeling and Simulation capabilities.
The IPC organized by Joint Force Command, was held in Charalitsa on 18 and 19 of March 2015. Participants from Ankara, Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Tirana and NATO – JFTC took part in the meeting.
The busy schedule of the event included brief and discussions on the EXPLAN, Geo-strategic situation and initial assessment. Fruitful syndicate work with important deliverables for the exercise development process were held.
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The Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) successfully conducted the pilot Higher Command Crisis Response Operations Course from 24th to 26th of February 2015.
The aim of the course was to introduce the attendees to the competences and tools, enabling successful application of solutions in response to crisis in national or international environment.
The objectives were fully covered over the course of three days which resulted in common understanding on NATO Crisis Management and Political-Military relations and armed the participants with proper tools for management of main activities connected to Political-Military Estimate at Strategic Level.
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On Dec 16th, 2014, the Bulgarian Deputy Defence Minister, Mr. Dimitar Kyumyurdzhiev formally opened the Final Adaptation Planning Conference (FAPC) for the Crisis Management Exercise (CMX) 2015. Involving 153 participants from NATO states plus Australia, Japan and Ukraine it had the aim to finalize and adapt the training efforts in order to carry out successfully the upcoming CMX 2015 as effectively and efficiently as possible. "We, representatives of all member states, must be responsible for ensuring that we have in place crisis management and organization capable for managing any unexpected situation. We have to maintain and further develop our capabilities as to fulfill the expectation that the public has entrusted us", pointed Mr. Kyumyurdzhiev in his opening speech.
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The Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) successfully conducted the pilot Crisis Response Operations Planners Professional Development Course from 26th to 28th November 2014.
Numerous experts attended the course including representatives from the Bulgarian Ministry of Defence, JFC, Army, Chief Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection under the Ministry of Interior, Bulgarian Red Cross, as well as representatives from the Defence Administration Office and the Ministry of Human Resources of Hungary, and the CCD COE, Estonia.
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On 24-25 November 2014, the Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE) hosted two important events – the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting and the Accreditation Visit from HQ SACT.
During the Steering Committee meeting on 24 November, the SC members approved the proposed Program of Work 2015 of the Centre as well as the proposed CMDR COE budget estimates for FY-2015.
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On 22 October 2014, the Deputy Chief of Defence, Major General Konstantin Popov opened the Flag-level Strategic Communications Course.
Organized by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria and CMDR COE in partnership with HQ SACT and STRATCOM COE, the course brings together flag-level representatives of governmental bodies from 11 countries - with the goal to enhance the common understanding in the field of Public Diplomacy, Public Affairs, Information Operations and Psychological Operations.
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