CAX Forum 2018

City: Sofia
Duration: 3
The 13th NATO Computer Assisted Exercise Forum (NATO CAX Forum 2018), organized by the NATO Modelling and Simulation Centre of Excellence (NATO M&S COE)in cooperation with the NATO Crisis Management and Disaster Response Centre of Excellence (CMDR COE),will take place from 25 to 27 September 2018 in Sofia (BGR), at the Grand Hotel Marinela.
The 24th and the 28th September dedicated to NMSG activities and NATO CAX FORUM 2018 in-processing/closing activities.
For our guests are offered special prices for single room - 115 euros, double room - 140 euros, little suit - 180 euros.
You should go on the provided link below and make your reservation.
The CAX Forum is the NATO’s CAX-related conference held yearly and the 12th Edition, hosted in Florence, Italy, was attended by more than 250 participants coming from 29 NATO, PfP, ICI, Mediterranean Dialogue and Contact Nations.
The 13th Forum will focus on technical items and operating procedures related to simulation - based exercises and training support, in order to promote the exchange of information and best practices among the Staffs of NATO and National simulation/training centers.
Addressees coming from Military Organizations, and as well from Academia and Industry, are encouraged to participate by providing presentations on the CAX related topics, including but not limited to the following:
- Modelling & Simulation in support of CAX;
- Modelling and Simulation in support of Crisis and Disaster Management;
- Simulation and models: approaches, architectures, algorithms and systems;
- Modelling and Simulation for combined joint operations;
- Modelling Human Behavior in military operations;
- Command and control (C2) systems, operational planning process (OPP) tools and their interactions with CAX tools;
- Gateways between C2 and Simulation;
- CAX Interoperability & Standards;
- CIS requirements and architectures in support of CAX;
- CAX Exercise support tools;
- Organizational challenges in CAXs;
- CAX simulation support tools;
- CAX Planning Process;
- CAX support tools exploitation,
- CAX Multi-level and cross-level distributed exercises;
- M&S Concept Development & Experimentation
This year CAX Forum will be held under professional patronage of:
- Research Associate Prof. Imre BALOGH, Director, Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation Institute, MONTEREY, USA;
- Prof. Erdal CAYIRCI, University of Stavanger, Norway;
- Prof. Stefan PICKL, Universität der Bundeswehr MÜNCHEN, Germany;
- Associate Prof. Lt. Col. Jan HODICKY, Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies at the University of Defense In BRNO, Czech Republic;
- Adjunct Prof. Andreas TOLK, Old Dominion University NORFOLK, USA.
Commercial organizations directly involved in supporting simulation centers and activities are also encouraged to propose presentations and demonstrations. In this connection, dedicated booths will also be available for the demonstrations of CAX and simulation related products.
The program will be further consolidated during the next months and until the beginning of September, and it will be available at the page:
Full info package you can download from here!
The main Forum Registration Desk will be located in the Hotel Marinela main hall. For your convenience, Registration Desk will be active since the day prior the Forum opening, from Monday, September 24th (15.00 - 20.00), to Thursday, September 27th (09.00 - 13.00). Conference Fee: €150 - payment can be submitted to the Hotel helpdesk (cash).
The form for the proposal of presentations or demonstrations is available at the MS COE website at the page: It should be forwarded to the M&S COE Points of Contact (POCs) listed below via E-mail, NLT August 31st, 2018. The NATO M&S COE POCs for the presentations are:
LTC Jan MAZAL / Lt. Cdr. Alberto Pasqualini
Address: Piazza Villoresi 1, 00143 Rome, Italy
Commercial: +39 06 4691 4363
NCN: 039 2024382
Fax: +39 06 4691 4299
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