Crisis Management and Disaster Response Exercise Planners Training Hybrid (residential and on-line) Course (NATO APPROVED; NATO ETOC Code: ETE-CM-21785)

Crisis Management and Disaster Response Exercise Planners Training Hybrid (residential and on-line) Course (NATO APPROVED; NATO ETOC Code: ETE-CM-21785)

Crisis Management and Disaster Response Exercise Planners Training Hybrid (residential and on-line) Course (NATO APPROVED; NATO ETOC Code: ETE-CM-21785)Date: (03-11-2025)
City: Sofia
Location: CMDR COE (next to Hotel Shipka)
Duration: 5 days
Classification: NATO UNCLASSIFIED Releasable to Partners
Depth of knowledge: Level 300

The CMDR COE hybrid, NATO LISTED, Crisis Management And Disaster Response Exercise Planners Training (CMDREPT) Hybrid (residential and on-line)  Course will take place on 03 - 07 NOV 2025.



The course aims at building skills enabling the integration of comprehensive crisis management and disaster response (CMDR) and humanitarian assistance (HA) perspectives in exercise planning.


Training Audience:

Military officers (OF-2 to OF-5) and/or civilian equivalent, involved in disaster management, assigned to NATO HQs and agencies, NATO Ally and Partner nations' Ministry of Defence and subordinated HQs; Ministry of Interior, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs; regional and municipal administration, as well as other representatives with responsibilities or special interest in the crisis management domain.


Learning Objectives:

- Within the area of CMDR and HA, develop the concept, aim, and objectives, and identify the training audience and respective responsibilities in support of an illustrative Training / Exercise Specifications (EXSPEC);

- Summarize fundamental NATO documents related toCMDR and HA training and exercise planning;

- Provide military contribution to CMDR and HA through: Planning and MEL/MIL scripting; Exercise objectives; Conduct and Evaluation;

-  Explain the main concepts, terms, and definitions in CMDR and HA exercises planning;

-  Apply the National & International Crisis Response Interagency Framework;

-  Demonstrate flexible, creative, and adaptive thinking during the exercise planning process. 



As a requirement for participation in the CMDR Exercise Planners Training Course (NATO APPROVED; NATO ETOC CODE: ETE-CM-21785) it is obligatory for the candidates to pass successfully the NATO Exercise Planners Foundations - ADL Course. This ALD Course provides an introduction to the NATO Exercise Process and its stages as outlined in Bi-Strategic Command Collective Training and Exercise Directive (Bi-SC CT&ED) 075-003. This ADL Course aims to familiarize the course candidates with the NATO Exercise Process so that they would be able to easily follow the topics and the thematics in the CMDR Exercise Planners Training Course. For the successfull completion of this ADL Course the participants will be issued a Certificate.



The coures will be conducted in hybrid mode (residential and on-line). The course consists of interactive lectures, practical tasks, case studies, and a final hands-on task. The study method used is premised on the principles of adult learning so as to allow trainees to be actively internalising and processing new knowledge. Formative and summative assessment will be made on in-class activities and will be monitored by dedicated mentors.



The command of English language should be at a professional level, according to the criteria stated in STANAG 6001- 3-2-3-2 or B2+/C1 in CEFRL



Participants are expected to attend all course activities as the intense programme does not allow for absences during the course. Late arrivals or early departures cannot be accepted. Certificate for successful completion shall not be awarded in case absences are recorded.



Mandatory online registration should be completed as soon as possible, but no later than 03 OCT 2025. The required minimum for course conduct is 10 participants, and the maximum – 30.


Course Fee:

The course fee is € 300. Enrolled learners / their organisations are to cover the course fee latest one week before course start. The fee can be payed online (a payment link will be provided) or via bank transfer (further details will be provided). In case of no show past the cancellation deadline (two weeks in advance of course start), the course fee is non-reimbursable. 

No fees will be charged to military personnel, governmental employees and governmental educational institutions from Sponsoring Nations (Greece, Hungary, Poland and Romania) and the Framework nation (Bulgaria).



Cancellation of participation is only possible with a 3-week notice prior to the start date of the course. The entire course fee is due past the afore-mentioned period.


Course assessment and certification. Each learner must demonstrate an ability to perform in accordance with the course objectives. Learners will be assessed against both individual and collective formative and summative assessment criteria. There are two types of certificates depending on overall performance: Certificate for Successful Completion and Certificate for Participation. 

The summative assessment for CMDR COE courses is conducted at the end of the course. The minimum score to pas the exam is 80% correct answers.


Useful links:

- Sofia Municipality:

- Sofia Airport:

- Railway transport:

- City mobility:  

- Sofia guide:

- Sofia free tours -  




- Course Director: LTC Mihai Ilie -

Office number: +359 2 92 24 730

- OPR- LTC Plamen KOEV -

Office number: +359 2 92 24 737

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